A D V a N C E D C M O a N a L Y T I C S Practical Applications Using Bloomberg Product Summaries
Product summaries are produced by the Financial Markets Unit of the Supervision and Regulation Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Product summaries are published periodically as events warrant and are intended to further examiner understanding of the functions and risks of various financial markets products relevant to the banking industry. While not fully exhaustive of all the issues involved, the summaries provide examiners background information in a readily accessible form and serve as a foundation for any further research into a particular product or issue. Any opinions expressed are the authors' alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal Reserve System. Should the reader have any questions, comments, criticisms, or suggestions for future Product Summary topics, please feel free to call any of the members of the Financial Markets Unit listed below.
منابع مشابه
Amitraz Poisoning; A case study
A m i t r a z, a n i ns e c t i c i d e /a ca ri c i de of the f o r m a m i d i n e p e st i c i d e s group, is a ? 2 a d r e n e r g i c ag on i st a nd of t he a m i d i ne c h e m i ca l f a m il y generally us e d to c o n t r ol animal e c top a r a s i t e s. Poisoning due to am i t r a z i s r a r e and character...
متن کاملSpeed Control of Wind Turbine through Pitch Control Using Different Control Techniques
Pitch control is one of t he major aspects of wind turbine control, particularly over high wi nd s p e e d a n d oscillations. General El e c t r i c (GE) model of wi n d t ur bi ne i s practically compatible with the structure of the wind turbines. I t h a s b e e n p r o v e d t h a t simulation results using this model are closer to the actual case, compared to other available mod...
متن کاملشناسایی دگرگونی ژنتیکی در ویروس تب برفکی تیپ A با استفاده از تعیین ردیف نوکلئوتیدی قسمتی از ژن VP1 ویروس
,1s1ya:.J'$n :7tb !9y.tu;1 9; q 5t'1& p I r lt 4!lr 9 61,; .l.iy c.!! ob lr+ : tt 4jr.'j .Al JLrob.;qrolr,J'fll t q ..rlaLr. 4 RT-PCR ri,Sle 1r o.ri 6bi!l Jt-t5 RIA :.pe, .pe1 *q&,.5b.'.;9; VPr Oijl ,r,iiqo-f .ddisl-t,r-a.ttJ nlceloltl Jlhr""gbyp,glrrsc*l . d,ri$ multiplexRT-PCR cycle sequencing cie) jlosu:pl t r PCR Jr-e .ri . 'r-JJl9; a{.Jt Fluorescent dye deoxy-terminator ar.bgy.5bai...
متن کاملنقش ژن mexZ در مقاومت به سیپروفلوکساسین در جدایه های سودوموناس آئروژینوزا در استان گیلان
Messadi AA, Lamia T, Kamel B, Salima O, Monia M, Saida BR. Association between antibiotic use and changes in susceptibility patterns of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in an intensive care burn unit: a 5-year study, 2000-2004. Burns :J Int Soc Burn Injuries 2008;34(8):1098-102. Sherertz RJ, Sarubbi FA. A three-year study of nosocomial infections associated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J Clin Micr...
متن کاملEstimating Analogical Similarity By Vector Dot-Products of . . .
s t i m a t i n g a n a l o g i c a l s i m i l a r i t y b y v e c t o r d o t-p r o d u c t s o f H o l o g r a p h i c R e d u c e d R e p r e s e n t a t i o n s. T o n y A. P l a t e D e p a r t m e n t o f C h e m i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g U n i v e r s i t y o f B r i t i s h C o l u m b i a V a n c o u v e r , B C , C a n a d a V 6 T 1 Z 4 t a p @ e p i. t e r r y f o x. u b c. c a ...
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